


  • The word ozone is derived from the Greek word “OZEIN” which means odor.
  • Christian Friedrich Shöbein (1840) recognized the ozone by its pungent odor and he is regarded as the
  • Father of ozone therapy.
  • In 1857 the first ozone generator for medical use was developed.
  • In 1870 the first report on the ozone effects for purifying the blood in medical use.
  • In 1881, it was used as a disinfectant in the treatment of diphtheria.
  • In 1885, Florida Medical Association published the boook Ozone, written by Dr. Charles J. Kenworth, which details on the use of ozone on therapeutic purposes.
  • In 1896, the first Ozone generating system was patented by Nikola Tesla.
  • The dentist Fisch used ozone in dental procedure even before 1932 and in 1950 the ozonated water was used for dental procedure.
  • In 1971 the International Ozone Institute (IOI), now know as International Ozone Association (IOA).
  • After 150 years of studies and experiments, nowadays the oxygen-ozone therapy has been widely used all over the world.


The industrial ozone applications have been developed very quickly, in particular in Healthcare field (hospital, nursing home, wellness center), zootechnical, farming, food, military and civil field (house, office and gym sanitization).

On the contrary of harmful to human’s chlorine and the various chlorine derivates, ozone is a gas characterized by a very high oxidation potential, capable of destruction of all types of viruses, fungi, bacteria and spores. This gas can be used for water and air treatment, but also for the prevention and treatment of different dental pathologies.

Ozone in Dentistry

Among the most studied molecules of the Twentieth Century, ozone was used for the first time in dentistry in 1950. In July 1996 ozone was recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health as “natural means for the environment sterilization”. From that moment, thanks to the big success of the oxygen-ozone therapy, ozone sanitary applications have developed very quickly.

Ozone embraces all dental practice, as it is applicable in many areas, such as caries prevention and treatment, endodontics, oral surgery, periodontics, implantology, prevention and treatment of surgical infections. Furthermore, ozone helps in case of alveolitis, peri-implantitis and periodontitis. Ozone significantly improves the dental treatment quality and speeds up the patient healing.

Dental Applications

  • Treating Caries
  • Managing Periodontal Infections
  • Ozone in Endodontics
  • Viral and Fungal Infections
  • Sinusitis and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Bisphosphonate Lesion Treatment
  • Bleaching
  • Desensitization of Sensitive Root Necks
  • Implantology: pre-/post peri-implantitis therapy
  • Immunostimulant Action

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Effectiveness and best safety





Natural method based on oxygen


Ozone is painless


The ozone is a natural method based on oxygen, it does not leave residual chemicals, it is immuno-stimulating, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, totally hypoallergic with anti-hypoxic and detoxicating effect. Thanks to the anti-microbial and immune-stimulating action, our surgical treatments will be by far more effective.


I went over the practice of the oxygen-ozone therapy as patient in a completely casual manner in 2014. Even if I did not believe in the result that had been obtained, I thought it would also be interesting in my field. Since than the use of oxygen-ozone therapy has been changing my surgical practice and the management of my clinic. In my clinic, air, water and instruments are being treated by using the ozone. This practice improves the surgical operations and the recovery.

Dr. Piermarco Babando

Dentist, ozone therapist


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Does Topical Ozone Therapy Improve Patient Comfort After Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar? A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Antimicrobial activity of ozone and NaF-cholorhexidine on early childhood caries
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The Effect of Gaseous in Infected Root Canal
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Prevention of Cross-contamination
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Is Low Level Laser Therapy and Gaseous Ozone Application Effective on Osseintegration of Immediately Loaded Implants?
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Evaluating clinical and laboratory effects of ozone in non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized controlled trial
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